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公开号 公开日 申请号 申请日
1. US20140088299A1 2014/3/27
专利标题:Method of extracting phenolic fractions of extra virgin olive oil 法律状态
The present invention relates to isolating phenolics from extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) having a low triglyceride and non-polar content. The method includes an ethanol/water extraction with a heptane wash

2. WO2012119019A3 2013/1/3
专利标题:Method of extracting phenolic fractions of extra virgin olive oil 法律状态
The present invention relates to isolating phenolics from extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) having a low triglyceride and non-polar content. The method includes an ethanol/water extraction with a heptane wash

3. WO2012119019A2 2012/9/7
专利标题:Method of extracting phenolic fractions of extra virgin olive oil 法律状态
The present invention relates to isolating phenolics from extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) having a low triglyceride and non-polar content. The method includes an ethanol/water extraction with a heptane wash

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