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  • [专利权人] 包含 'Northwestern University'
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公开号 公开日 申请号 申请日
1. US20140066635A1 2014/3/6 US14/015551 2013/8/30
专利标题:Thiophene-2-carboximidamide based selective neuronal nitric oxide inhibitors 法律状态
专利权人Northwestern University;
Selective neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) inhibitor compounds designed with one or more thiophene-2-carboximidamide substituents for improved bioavailability.

2. US8618143B1 2013/12/31 US13/275748 2011/10/18
专利标题:Selective neuronal nitric oxide synthase inhibitors with azole substituents 法律状态
专利权人Northwestern University;
Non-peptide azole-substituted nitric oxide snythase inhibitor compounds compositions and related methods as can be used to enhance bioavailability and inhibit production of nitric oxide.

3. US20130040359A1 2013/2/14 US13/573654 2012/10/1
专利标题:Aminopyridine dimer compounds, compositions and related methods for neuronal nitric oxide synthase inhibition 法律状态
专利权人Northwestern University;
Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor compounds comprising bi-terminal aromatic ring moieties and related methods of NOS inhibition.

4. CN102822187A 2012/12/12 CN2010861711 2010/12/15
专利标题:The compsn that comprises amorphous amorphous vitreous state roxithromycin 法律状态
专利权人Northwestern University;

5. WO2012139043A3 2012/12/6 WO2012US32595 2012/4/6
专利标题:Selective neuronal nitric oxide synthase inhibitors 法律状态
专利权人Northwestern University;
Compounds and related methods for selective inhibition of neuronal nitric oxide synthase over inducible and endothelial isoforms such compounds as can provide reduced cationic character and enhanced bioavailability.

6. US8299100B2 2012/10/30 US12/693196 2010/1/25
专利标题:Potent and selective neuronal nitric oxide synthase inhibitors with improved membrane permeability 法律状态
专利权人Northwestern University;
Compounds and related compositions and methods as can be used to inhibit neuronal nitric oxide synthase and can be employed in the treatment of various neurodegenerative diseases such compounds of a formula

7. WO2012139043A2 2012/10/11 WO2012US32595 2012/4/6
专利标题:Selective neuronal nitric oxide synthase inhibitors 法律状态
专利权人Northwestern University;
Compounds and related methods for selective inhibition of neuronal nitric oxide synthase over inducible and endothelial isoforms such compounds as can provide reduced cationic character and enhanced bioavailability.

8. US8278084B2 2012/10/2 US12/704205 2010/2/11
专利标题:Aminopyridine dimer compounds, compositions and related methods for neuronal nitric oxide synthase inhibition 法律状态
专利权人Northwestern University;
Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor compounds comprising bi-terminal aromatic ring moieties and related methods of NOS inhibition.

9. CA2528431C 2012/9/18
专利标题:Treatment and prevention of excessive scarring with 4-hydroxy tamoxifen 法律状态
专利权人Northwestern University;
The present invention provides a method for treating or preventing excessive scarring including keloid and hypertrophic scars by administering 4-hydroxy tamoxifen to a patient with excessive scarring or a wound at risk for developing excessive scarring.

10. WO2012097121A2 2012/7/19 WO2012US21030 2012/1/12
专利标题:Specific nnos inhibitors for the therapy and prevention of human melanoma 法律状态
专利权人Northwestern University;
Methods for melanoma treatment and prevention with selective nitric oxide synthase inhibitor compounds and related pharmaceutical compositions alone or in conjunction with one or more other melanoma therapies.

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