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公开号 公开日 申请号 申请日
1. EP2710016A1 2014/3/26 EP20120786177 2012/5/16
专利标题:Regulation of nitric oxide release and biofilm development 法律状态

2. WO2012155203A1 2012/11/22 WO2012AU00542 2012/5/16
专利标题:Regulation of nitric oxide release and biofilm development 法律状态
Regulation of nitric oxide release and biofilm development Abstract The present invention relates generally to methods and compounds for regulating the release of nitric oxide in the vicinity of biofilm-forming microorganisms to regulate programmed cell death in the microorganisms and thereby promote dispersal of microorganism from biofilms and/or inhibit biofilm formation or development. More particularly the invention relates to the use of compounds to provide spatial and temporal control over...

3. CA2835642A1 2012/11/22 CA20122835642 2012/5/16
专利标题:Regulation of nitric oxide release and biofilm development 法律状态
Regulation of nitric oxide release and biofilm development Abstract The present invention relates generally to methods and compounds for regulating the release of nitric oxide in the vicinity of biofilm-forming microorganisms to regulate programmed cell death in the microorganisms and thereby promote dispersal of microorganism from biofilms and/or inhibit biofilm formation or development. More particularly the invention relates to the use of compounds to provide spatial and temporal control over...

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