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公开号 公开日 申请号 申请日
1. JP5360939B2 2013/12/4 JP20120207818 2012/9/21
专利权人Univ Of Tokushima;
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a novel arteriosclerosis drug that controls infiltration of macrophage into an artery and is thereby capable of controlling thickening and fibrosis of aortic tunica media. SOLUTION: The arteriosclerosis drug includes nitroso nifedipine and a nitroso nifedipine derivative such as nitroso-nisoldipine nitroso-nimodipine nitroso-nicardipine and nitroso-nitrendipine nitroso nifedipine as active ingredients. The drug can control infiltration of macrophage into an arte...

2. JP2013082693A 2013/5/9 JP20120207818 2012/9/21
专利标题:Arteriosclerosis drug with nitroso nifedipine derivative as active ingredient 法律状态
专利权人Univ Of Tokushima;
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a novel arteriosclerosis drug that controls infiltration of macrophage into an artery and is thereby capable of controlling thickening and fibrosis of aortic tunica media. SOLUTION: The arteriosclerosis drug includes nitroso nifedipine and a nitroso nifedipine derivative such as nitroso-nisoldipine nitroso-nimodipine nitroso-nicardipine and nitroso-nitrendipine nitroso nifedipine as active ingredients. The drug can control infiltration of macrophage into an arte...

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