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公开号 公开日 申请号 申请日
1. CN103393898A 2013/11/20 CN20131310669 2013/7/24
专利标题:Compound azithromycin nanoemulsion and preparation method thereof 法律状态
专利权人Northwest A&f University;

2. CN103356750A 2013/10/23 CN20131311713 2013/7/24
专利标题:Compound nanoemulsion preparation for treatment of cold and preparation method thereof 法律状态
专利权人Northwest A&f University;

3. CN102499935B 2013/6/26 CN20111386363 2011/11/29
专利标题:A kind of compound spiramycin nanoemulsion oral liquid and preparation method thereof 法律状态
专利权人Northwest A&f University;

4. CN102499936B 2013/6/26 CN20111392416 2011/12/1
专利标题:A kind of compound telithromycin nanoemulsion oral liquid and preparation method thereof 法律状态
专利权人Northwest A&f University;

5. CN102697900A 2012/10/3
专利标题:A kind of compound recipe spironolactone nanoemulsion medicine 法律状态
专利权人Northwest A&f University;

6. CN102657672A 2012/9/12 CN20121115037 2012/4/19
专利标题:Mycin nano-emulsion and preparation method thereof draws in a kind of animal compound thailand 法律状态
专利权人Northwest A&f University;

7. CN102641282A 2012/8/22 CN2012157400 2012/3/7
专利标题:A kind of compound recipe erythromycin ethylsuccinate nano-emulsion antibacterial drug and preparation method thereof 法律状态
专利权人Northwest A&f University;

8. CN102631474A 2012/8/15 CN20121134404 2012/5/4
专利标题:A kind of nano-emulsion that is used to treat the animal and bird intestines anaerobic infection and preparation method thereof 法律状态
专利权人Northwest A&f University;

9. CN102614181A 2012/8/1 CN20121058871 2012/3/8
专利标题:A kind of compound recipe rifaximin nano-emulsion and preparation method thereof 法律状态
专利权人Northwest A&f University;

10. CN102600192A 2012/7/25 CN20111246113 2011/8/25
专利标题:Dermopathic compound terbinafine nano medication of a kind of treatment and preparation method thereof 法律状态
专利权人Northwest A&f University;

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