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  • [专利权人] 包含 'University Of Maryland Baltimore'
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公开号 公开日 申请号 申请日
1. AU2011201252B2 2012/12/6 AU20110201252 2011/3/21
专利标题:A non-selective cation channel in neural cells and methods for treating brain 法律状态
A composition comprising a novel Ca2-activated [ATP]-sensitive nonspecific cation (NCca ATP) channel is described. The channel is found in mammalian neural cells and exhibits a different sensitivity to block by various adenine nucleotides and is activated by submicromolar [Ca]i. The NCCa-ATP channel is activated under conditions of ATP depletion which causes severe cell depolarization followed by cell swelling- The NCCa-ATP channel is regulated by a sulfonylurea receptor and is inhibited by sulf...

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