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公开号 公开日 申请号 申请日
1. RU2497527C2 2013/11/10 RU20110115043 2009/9/16
专利标题:Pharmaceutical composition for treating disorders including gastrointestinal irritation 法律状态
专利权人Dzhuliani S.p.a.;
FIELD: medicine pharmaceutics.SUBSTANCE: present invention refers to a pharmaceutical composition of such an active agent as sucralfate for treating disorders e.g. gastric ulcers duodenal ulcers acute gastritis symptomatic chronic gastritis gastropathy caused by the intake of anti-inflammatory agents gastroesophageal reflux disease characterised by the fact that is contains one or more phospholipids.EFFECT: invention refers to using phospholipids in a combination with the above active agents whe...

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