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公开号 公开日 申请号 申请日
1. GB2502080A 2013/11/20 GB20120008489 2012/5/15
专利标题:Preparation of metastable polymorphs of active pharmaceutical ingredients 法律状态
专利权人University Of Bradford;
The present invention relates to a method useful for forming products which are useful in a pharmaceutical context and products formed by such a method. The invention is a solvent-free method of forming a metastable polymorph of a pharmaceutical active ingredient the method comprising the steps of: placing an amorphous or crystalline compound into an extruder; providing a source of heat to the extruder to heat the compound to a temperature in the range of from 8 °C below the melting point of th...

2. AU2003200764B2 2005/3/10
专利标题:Tamoxifen and analogues thereof 法律状态
专利权人University Of Bradford;

3. EP0998447A1 2000/5/10
专利标题:Tamoxifen and analogues thereof 法律状态
专利权人University Of Bradford;
A method of preparing a first geometric isomer of tamoxifen or an analogue comprises allowing the first isomer to crystallise in hexanol and the product thereof to crystallise in methanol and then derivatising the product of the methanol crystallisation to prepare said first isomer in very high purity.

4. AU8452998A 1999/2/16
专利标题:Tamoxifen and analogues thereof 法律状态
专利权人University Of Bradford;

5. WO9905088A1 1999/2/4
专利标题:Tamoxifen and analogues thereof 法律状态
专利权人University Of Bradford;
A method of preparing a first geometric isomer of tamoxifen or an analogue comprises allowing the first isomer to crystallise in hexanol and the product thereof to crystallise in methanol and then derivatising the product of the methanol crystallisation to prepare said first isomer in very high purity.

6. CA2297246A1 1999/2/4
专利标题:Tamoxifen and analogues thereof 法律状态
专利权人University Of Bradford;
A method of preparing a first geometric isomer of tamoxifen or an analogue comprises allowing the first isomer to crystallise in hexanol and the product thereof to crystallise in methanol and then derivatising the product of the methanol crystallisation to prepare said first isomer in very high purity.

7. GB9815904D0 1998/9/16
专利标题:Tamoxifen and analogues thereof 法律状态
专利权人University Of Bradford;

8. GB9715479D0 1997/10/1
专利标题:Tamoxifen and analogues thereof 法律状态
专利权人University Of Bradford;

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