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  • [专利权人] 包含 'The First Affiliated Hospital Of Third Military Medical University Of Pla'
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公开号 公开日 申请号 申请日
1. CN103203011A 2013/7/17 CN2013104799 2013/1/7
专利标题:A kind of chewing gum of preventing and treating oral ulcer after the chemotherapy 法律状态

2. CN103083649A 2013/5/8 CN2013152280 2013/2/18
专利标题:A kind of chewing gum of preventing and treating oral ulcer after chemotherapy 法律状态

3. CN102204883B 2012/10/31
专利标题:Promethazine hydrochloride micro-enema prescription and preparation method thereof 法律状态

4. CN102198123B 2012/10/31 CN20111081141 2011/3/31
专利标题:Ibuprofen micro-enema prescription and preparation method thereof 法律状态

5. CN1943625B 2010/6/9 CN20061054540 2006/10/30
专利标题:A kind of oral-cavity disinfectant 法律状态

6. CN100441187C 2008/12/10 CN20061095078 2006/8/30
专利标题:A kind of liposome vitamin a acid aerosol that is used for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 法律状态

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