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首页123456下页尾页74 条记录, 当前第1/8页。
公开号 公开日 申请号 申请日
1. CN102793866B 2013/10/30 CN20121274655 2012/8/3
专利标题:A kind of chinese medicinal preparation method for the treatment of pedal edema type acute glomerulonephritis 法律状态
专利权人Guo Weidong;

2. CN102614456B 2013/10/16 CN2012143983 2012/2/27
专利标题:Preparation method of traditional chinese medicine lotion for treating night-sweat-type ecthyma 法律状态
专利权人Zheng Xuelian;

3. CN102614396B 2013/8/21 CN2012143972 2012/2/27
专利标题:A kind of chinese medicine lotion preparation method for the treatment of excessive drinking type ecthyma 法律状态
专利权人Wang Chunyan;

4. CN102614478B 2013/8/7 CN2012143975 2012/2/27
专利标题:A kind of chinese medicine lotion preparation method for the treatment of the kidney-yin deficiency type ecthyma 法律状态
专利权人Zhang Fuying;

5. CN102631593B 2013/7/17 CN2012195677 2012/4/3
专利标题:A kind of chinese medicine lotion preparation method for the treatment of the edema type acute superficial lymphangitis 法律状态
专利权人Ma Nianfang;

6. CN102552863B 2013/6/26 CN2012156828 2012/2/27
专利标题:A kind of chinese medicinal preparation method for the treatment of indigestion and loss of appetite type ecthyma 法律状态
专利权人Guo Baotong;

7. CN102579866B 2013/6/26 CN2012144376 2012/2/27
专利标题:A kind of chinese medicine lotion preparation method for the treatment of cough type ecthyma 法律状态
专利权人Zhang Xiuju;

8. CN103110836A 2013/5/22 CN2013150328 2013/2/9
专利标题:A kind of chinese medicinal preparation method for the treatment of the spontaneous type subconjunctival hemorrhage 法律状态
专利权人Li Jianen;

9. CN103099980A 2013/5/15 CN2013150338 2013/2/9
专利标题:A kind of chinese medicinal preparation method for the treatment of liver energy stagnation type scleritis 法律状态

10. CN102579824B 2013/4/10 CN2012143993 2012/2/27
专利标题:The chinese medicine lotion preparation method of food fructus capsici type ecthyma is had a liking in a kind for the treatment of 法律状态
专利权人Yue Yanfeng;

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