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公开号 公开日 申请号 申请日
1. CN102863378A 2013/1/9 CN20121280022 2012/8/8
专利标题:Analytical reagent and preparation method and application thereof 法律状态

2. WO2004069167A3 2004/10/28 WO2004US02400 2004/1/27
专利标题:Method and compositions for treating male infertility 法律状态
The use of ejaculatory-enhancing agents to treat males having low sperm counts to promote fertilization of an ovum. The ejaculatory-enhancing agents are used to promote more frequent ejaculations thus producing more sperm thus increasing the chance for the ovum to be fertilized because more sperm are available. The fertilization of the ovum can be by sexual intercourse with a female or by in vitro or artificial insemination fertilization. Examples of ejaculatory enhancing agents are dopamine rec...

3. US3106511A 1963/10/8
专利标题:Amyl nitrite inhalant composition 法律状态
专利权人Revlon, Inc.;

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