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  • [药品] 包含 'Proflavine'
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公开号 公开日 申请号 申请日
1. AU3538297A 1998/1/21
专利标题:Proflavine composition and applicator 法律状态
专利权人Hans-thomas Luyken;

2. WO9800108A1 1998/1/8
专利标题:Proflavine composition and applicator 法律状态
专利权人Luyken, Hans-thomas;
A medicament contains at least one substance from the group of the proflavines and their derivatives and contains in particular a proflavine hemisulphate for treating viral diseases preferably for the ambulatory treatment of herpetiform diseases of the mouth and lips in particular for treating herpes labialis. The applicator for this medicament has a rod-shaped element (20 30 40 50) provided at least at one end with a spatula (31 42) which acts as a support for the active substance contained in ...

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