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  • [专利权人] 包含 'MEEKS JOYCE ANN'
  • [药品] 包含 'Polymyxin B Sulfate'
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公开号 公开日 申请号 申请日
1. US2002111298A1 2002/8/15 US20000738513 2000/12/18
专利标题:Moisturizing skin ointment - composition consisting of polymyxin B Sulfate, bacitracin zinc, neomycin (the combination of which totals 1 ounce), hydrocortisone acetate (1 ounce) and white petrolatum (13 ounces) 法律状态
This invention relates to a moisturizing skin ointment composition consisting of polymyxin B Sulfate, bacitracin zinc, neomycin (the combination of which totals 1 ounce), hydrocortisone acetate (1 ounce) and white petrolatum (13 ounces). When combined and water evaporated, an external ointment that penetrates the skin and alleviates dry skin conditions, itching and minor scrapes and scratches is created. The properties of the antibiotic products help to promote healing of minor scrapes and scrat...

2. US20020111298A1 2002/8/15 US09/738513 2000/12/18
专利标题:Moisturizing skin ointment - composition consisting of polymyxin b sulfate, bacitracin zinc, neomycin (the combination of which totals 1 ounce), hydrocortisone acetate (1 ounce) and white petrolatum (13 ounces) 法律状态
This invention relates to a moisturizing skin ointment composition consisting of polymyxin B Sulfate bacitracin zinc neomycin (the combination of which totals 1 ounce) hydrocortisone acetate (1 ounce) and white petrolatum (13 ounces). When combined and water evaporated an external ointment that penetrates the skin and alleviates dry skin conditions itching and minor scrapes and scratches is created. The properties of the antibiotic products help to promote healing of minor scrapes and scratches ...

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