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  • [专利权人] 包含 'Dr. Falk Pharma Gmbh'
  • [药品] 包含 'Budesonide'
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公开号 公开日 申请号 申请日
1. WO9916429A3 2001/12/20
专利标题:Budesonide alone or in combination with ursodeoxycholic acid in the therapy of cholestatic liver diseases 法律状态
专利权人Dr. Falk Pharma Gmbh;
According to the invention it was unexpectedly found that budesonide can be used for the treatment of cholestatic liver diseases such as PBC PSC and AC. In particular budesonide is highly effective when administered together with ursodeoxycholic acid.

2. WO0024388A3 2000/6/22 WO1999EP08007 1999/10/21
专利标题:Combination of 5-aminosalicylic acid and a budesonide, 6-methyl prednisolone or prednisolone for treating inflammatory disorders of the intestinal tract 法律状态
专利权人Dr. Falk Pharma Gmbh;
The invention relates to novel medicaments containing a combination of 5-aminosalicylic acid and a medicament selected from the group consisting of budesonide 6-methyl prednisolone and prednisolone. The novel medicaments are especially useful for treating inflammatory diseases of the intestinal tract and the secondary diseases and possible associated illnesses.

3. WO9916429A2 1999/4/8
专利标题:Budesonide alone or in combination with ursodeoxycholic acid in the therapy of cholestatic liver diseases 法律状态
专利权人Dr. Falk Pharma Gmbh;
According to the invention it was unexpectedly found that budesonide can be used for the treatment of cholestatic liver diseases such as PBC PSC and AC. In particular budesonide is highly effective when administered together with ursodeoxycholic acid.

4. CA2216887A1 1999/3/30
专利标题:Budesonide alone or in combination with ursodeoxycholic acid in the therapy of cholestatic liver diseases 法律状态
专利权人Dr. Falk Pharma Gmbh;
According to the invention it was unexpectedly found that budesonide can be used for the treatment of cholestatic liver diseases such as PBC PSC and AC. In particular budesonide is highly effective when administered together with ursodeoxycholic acid.

5. US5858998A 1999/1/12
专利标题:Budesonide alone or in combination with ursodeoxycholic acid in the therapy of cholestatic liver diseases 法律状态
专利权人Dr. Falk Pharma Gmbh;
According to the invention it was unexpectedly found that budesonide can be used for the treatment of cholestatic liver diseases such as PBC PSC and AC. In particular budesonide is highly effective when administered together with ursodeoxycholic acid.

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