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  • [专利权人] 包含 'G. D. Searle & Co.'
  • [药品] 包含 'Spironolactone'
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公开号 公开日 申请号 申请日
1. AU4264200A 2000/9/7
专利标题:Spironolactone and angiotensin ii antagonist combination therapy for treatment of congestive heart failure 法律状态
专利权人G. D. Searle & Co.;

2. CN1192696A 1998/9/9
专利标题:The spironolactone and the angiotensin antagonistic combination treatment that are used for the congestive heart failure treatment 法律状态
专利权人G. D. Searle & Co.;

3. CZ9703848A3 1998/5/13
专利标题:Combination of spironolactone and antagonists of angiotensin ii receptor 法律状态
专利权人G. D. Searle & Co.;

4. MX9709976A 1998/3/29
专利标题:Spironolactone and angiotensin ii antagonist combination therapy for treatment of congestive heart failure. 法律状态
专利权人G. D. Searle & Co.;
A combination therapy comprising a therapeutically-effective amount of an epoxy-free spirolactone-type aldosterone receptor antagonist and a therapeutically-effective amount of an angiotensin II receptor antagonist is described for treatment of circulatory disorders including cardiovascular disorders such as hypertension congestive heart failure cirrhosis and ascites. Preferred angiotensin II receptor antagonists are those compounds having high potency and bioavailability and which are character...

5. AU5974390A 1991/1/31
专利标题:Topical spironolactone composition 法律状态
专利权人G. D. Searle & Co.;

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