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  • [专利权人] 包含 'Novadel Pharma Inc.'
  • [药品] 包含 'Sumatriptan'
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公开号 公开日 申请号 申请日
1. US20060165604A1 2006/7/27
专利标题:Buccal, polar and non-polar spray containing sumatriptan 法律状态
专利权人Novadel Pharma Inc.;
Buccal aerosol sprays or capsules using polar and non-polar solvents have now been developed which provide sumatriptan for rapid absorption through the oral mucosa resulting in fast onset of effect. The buccal polar compositions of the invention comprise formulation I: aqueous polar solvent sumatriptan and optional flavoring agent; formulation II: aqueous polar solvent sumatriptan optionally flavoring agent and propellant; formulation III: non-polar solvent sumatriptan and optional flavoring age...

2. EP1675567A1 2006/7/5
专利标题:Buccal, polar and non-polar spray containing sumatriptan 法律状态
专利权人Novadel Pharma Inc.;
Buccal aerosol sprays or capsules using polar and non-polar solvents have now been developed which provide sumatriptan for rapid absorption through the oral mucosa resulting in fast onset of effect. The buccal polar compositions of the invention comprise formulation I: aqueous polar solvent sumatriptan and optional flavoring agent; formulation II: aqueous polar solvent sumatriptan optionally flavoring agent and propellant; formulation III: non-polar solvent sumatriptan and optional flavoring age...

3. WO2005032518A1 2005/4/14
专利标题:Buccal, polar and non-polar spray containing sumatriptan 法律状态
专利权人Novadel Pharma Inc.;
Buccal aerosol sprays or capsules using polar and non-polar solvents have now been developed which provide sumatriptan for rapid absorption through the oral mucosa resulting in fast onset of effect. The buccal polar compositions of the invention comprise formulation I: aqueous polar solvent sumatriptan and optional flavoring agent; formulation II: aqueous polar solvent sumatriptan optionally flavoring agent and propellant; formulation III: non-polar solvent sumatriptan and optional flavoring age...

4. CA2582008A1 2005/4/14
专利标题:Buccal, polar and non-polar spray containing sumatriptan 法律状态
专利权人Novadel Pharma Inc.;

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