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  • [专利权人] 包含 'Pharmaceutical Discovery Corporation'
  • [药品] 包含 'Atropine'
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公开号 公开日 申请号 申请日
1. US6991779B2 2006/1/31 US10/347932 2003/1/17
专利标题:Compositions for treatment or prevention of bioterrorism 法律状态
Compositions containing biologically active molecules encapsulated in self-assembling diketopiperazine microspheres (TECHNOSPHEREs™) and methods for making and administering such compositions are described herein. The compositions can be used to immunize individuals against agents of biological warfare. The biologically active molecules include atropine antibodies antigens and antibiotics. The compositions can be placed in an inhalation device for self-administration. Pulmonary delivery o...

2. US20040018152A1 2004/1/29 US10/347932 2003/1/17
专利标题:Compositions for treatment or prevention of bioterrorism 法律状态
Compositions containing biologically active molecules encapsulated in self-assembling diketopiperazine microspheres (TECHNOSPHEREs) and methods for making and administering such compositions are described herein. The compositions can be used to immunize individuals against agents of biological warfare. The biologically active molecules include atropine antibodies antigens and antibiotics. The compositions can be placed in an inhalation device for self-administration. Pulmonary delivery of TECHNO...

3. WO03061578A3 2003/12/4 WO2003US01618 2003/1/17
专利标题:Compositions for treatment or prevention of bioterrorism 法律状态
Compositions containing biologically active molecules encapsulated in self-assembling diketopiperazine microspheres (TECHNOSPHEREsTM) and methods for making and administering such compositions are described herein. The compositions can be used to immunize individuals against agents of biological warfare. The biologically active molecules include atropine antibodies antigens and antibiotics. The compositions can be placed in an inhalation device for self-administration. Pulmonary delivery of TECH...

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