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  • [专利权人] 包含 'University Of Massachusetts Lowell'
  • [药品] 包含 'Dacarbazine '
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公开号 公开日 申请号 申请日
1. US20100183726A1 2010/7/22
专利标题:Compositions and methods for treating cancer with dacarbazine nanoemulsions 法律状态
A uniform microfluidized nanoemulsion is disclosed containing an anti-cancer agent such as dacarbazine. The microfluidized nanoemulsion improves the combination's cell membrane permeability by at least four-fold over conventional nanoemulsion compositions which significantly increases the intracellular concentration of anti-cancer agents. As a nanoemulsion dacarbazine has a greater anti-cancer efficacy than when applied as a free solution.

2. WO2008016664A3 2008/10/16
专利标题:Compositions and methods for treating cancer with dacarbazine nanoemulsions 法律状态
A uniform microfluidized nanoemulsion is disclosed containing an anti-cancer agent such as dacarbazine. The microfluidized nanoemulsion improves the combination's cell membrane permeability by at least four-fold over conventional nanoemulsion compositions which significantly increases the intracellular concentration of anti-cancer agents. As a nanoemulsion dacarbazine has a greater anti-cancer efficacy than when applied as a free solution.

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