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  • [药品] 包含 'Rimantadine'
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公开号 公开日 申请号 申请日
1. US20030186933A1 2003/10/2 US10/309603 2002/12/4
专利标题:Preparation of aqueous clear solution dosage forms with bile acids 法律状态
专利权人Yoo Seo Hong;
Compositions for pharmaceutical and other uses comprising clear aqueous solutions of bile acids which do not form any detectable precipitates over selected ranges of pH values of the aqueous solution and methods of making such solutions. The compositions of the invention comprise water; a bile acid in the form of a bile acid bile acid salt or a bile acid conjugated with an amine by an amide linkage; and either or both an aqueous soluble starch conversion product and an aqueous soluble non-starch...

2. US20020031558A1 2002/3/14 US09/778154 2001/2/5
专利标题:Preparation of aqueous clear solution dosage forms with bile acids 法律状态
专利权人Yoo Seo Hong;
Compositions for pharmaceutical and other uses comprising clear aqueous solutions of bile acids which do not form any detectable precipitates over selected ranges of pH values of the aqueous solution and methods of making such solutions. The compositions of the invention comprise water; a bile acid in the form of a bile acid bile acid salt or a bile acid conjugated with an amine by an amide linkage; and either or both an aqueous soluble starch conversion product and an aqueous soluble non-starch...

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