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  • [药品] 包含 'Atenolol'
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公开号 公开日 申请号 申请日
1. US4317781A 1982/3/2 US19810253267 1981/4/13
专利标题:Process for the manufacture of p-hydroxybenzyl cyanide 法律状态
专利权人ICI LTD;
An improved process for the preparation of p-hydroxybenzyl cyanide by the reaction of p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol with an alkali metal cyanide, by carrying out the process in the presence of an alkyl formate, especially n-propyl formate. The cyanide product is a valuable intermediate for the preparation of the beta -adrenergic blocking agent atenolol.

2. GB2078718A 1982/1/13 GB19810013533 1981/5/1
专利标题:Preparation of p-hydroxyphenyl Acetic Acid 法律状态
专利权人ICI LTD;
The preparation of p- hydroxyphenylacetic acid by reducing p-hydroxymandelic acid with a stannous salt is described. The product is a valuable intermediate for the preparation of the beta -adrenergic blocking agent atenolol.

3. US4198526A 1980/4/15 US19780908466 1978/5/22
专利标题:Process for the manufacture of p-hydroxyphenyl acetic acid 法律状态
专利权人ICI LTD;
A process for the manufacture of p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid by the reduction of p-hydroxymandelic acid. The product is a useful intermediate for the preparation of the beta -adrenergic blocking agent atenolol.

4. US4198523A 1980/4/15 US19780908465 1978/5/22
专利标题:Salt of p-hydroxymandelate 法律状态
专利权人ICI LTD;
Solid sodium or potassium p-hydroxymandelate monohydrate and a process for isolating it from a known reaction mixture of phenol, glyoxylic acid and sodium or potassium hydroxide. The product is a useful intermediate for the preparation of the beta -adrenergic blocking agent atenolol.

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