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  • [专利权人] 包含 'Bayer Aktiengesellschaft'
  • [药品] 包含 'Acarbose'
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公开号 公开日 申请号 申请日
1. BR9807640A 2000/3/21 BR19980007640 1998/2/16
专利标题:Aglomerado de acb de acarbose a partir de actinoplanes sp. se 50 / 110 法律状态
专利权人Bayer Aktiengesellschaft;
invenção refere-se a genes para a biossíntese a partir do aglomerado de genes de acarbose a partir de Actinoplanes sp. SE 50/110 ao seu isolamento a partir de Actinoplanes sp. ou a partir de produtoolamento desses genes para a biossíntese às proteínas codificadas pelos mencionados genes à expres bem como à aplicação dos genes para a biossíntese de acarbose para a otimização do processo.

2. WO9926606A3 1999/8/12 WO1998EP07198 1998/11/11
专利标题:Sustained release formulations comprising alpha -glucosidase-inhibitors 法律状态
专利权人Bayer Aktiengesellschaft;
The present invention relates to pharmaceutical sustained release formulations of alpha -glucosidase inhibitors as for example acarbose miglitol emiglitate or voglibose leading to a reduction of side effects.

3. DK164870C 1993/1/11 DK19860005986 1986/12/12
专利标题:Fremgangsmaade til fremstilling af acarbose med et acarbose-indhold paa mindst 90 vaegtprocent paa toerstofbasis, eller en vandig oploesning deraf 法律状态
专利权人Bayer Aktiengesellschaft;

4. DK164870B 1992/8/31 DK19860005986 1986/12/12
专利标题:Fremgangsmaade til fremstilling af acarbose med et acarbose-indhold paa mindst 90 vaegtprocent paa toerstofbasis, eller en vandig oploesning deraf 法律状态
专利权人Bayer Aktiengesellschaft;

5. DK598686A 1987/6/14 DK19860005986 1986/12/12
专利标题:Acarbose, fremstilling og anvendelse deraf 法律状态
专利权人Bayer Aktiengesellschaft;

6. DK598686D0 1986/12/12 DK19860005986 1986/12/12
专利标题:Acarbose, fremstilling og anvendelse deraf 法律状态
专利权人Bayer Aktiengesellschaft;

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