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  • [专利权人] 包含 'University Of Maryland, Baltimore'
  • [药品] 包含 'Tolbutamide'
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公开号 公开日 申请号 申请日
1. US20090137680A1 2009/5/28 US12/201610 2008/8/29
专利标题:Novel non-selective cation channel in neuronal cells and method for treating brain swelling 法律状态
The present invention is directed to therapeutic compounds treatment methods and kits affecting the NCCa-ATP channel of neural tissue including neurons glia and blood vessels within the nervous system and methods of using same. The NCCa-ATP channel is newly expressed in neural tissue following injury such as ischemia and is regulated by the sulfonylurea receptor SUR1 being inhibited by sulfonylurea compounds e.g. glibenclamide and tolbutamide and opened by diazoxide. Antagonists of the NCCa-ATP ...

2. WO2007101002A3 2008/11/27 WO2007US62392 2007/2/19
专利标题:A novel non-selective cation channel in neuronal cells and methods for treating brain swelling 法律状态
The present invention is directed to therapeutic compounds treatment methods and kits affecting the NCca-ATP channel of neural tissue including neurons glia and blood vessels within the nervous system and methods of using same. The NCca-ATP channel is newly expressed in neural tissue following injury such as ischemia and is regulated by the sulfonylurea receptor SURl being inhibited by sulfonylurea compounds e.g. glibenclamide and tolbutamide and opened by diazoxide. Antagonists of the NCca-ATP ...

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